Dyson Finance supports Sponsorship feature, which allows everyone including DAO to add sponsored tokens in specific Gauge to attract more voters. A sponsor needs to specify the sponsored token, the amount of token and the number of week since Epoch. Explore the Sponsorship section in our white paper for further insights into sponsorship.
Sponsor rewards will be periodically distributed at the end of the Epoch, and it will be distributed according to the users' $sDYSN proportion deposited in the pools at the moment. Explore the Reward Distribution section in our white paper for further insights into sponsorship.
Users can claim their bribe reward using the below functions, by specifying the token and the week.
// Bribe.sol
function claimReward(address token, uint week) external returns (uint amount) {
amount = _claimReward(token, week);
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);
function claimRewards(address token, uint[] calldata week) public returns (uint amount) {
for(uint i = 0; i < week.length; ++i) {
amount += _claimReward(token, week[i]);
token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);
function claimRewardsMultipleTokens(address[] calldata token, uint[][] calldata week) external returns (uint[] memory amount) {
amount = new uint[](token.length);
for(uint i = 0; i < token.length; ++i) {
amount[i] = claimRewards(token[i], week[i]);
The details about the claim functions above, please refer to Bribe section.
Setup your contract
Users can check their reward on a specific pool and week by calling checkReward first, then claim their reward using claimReward as follows:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
interface IERC20 {
function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool);
interface IGauge {
function balanceOfAt(address account, uint week) external view returns (uint);
function totalSupplyAt(uint week) external view returns (uint);
interface IBribe {
function tokenRewardOfWeek(address token, uint week) external view returns (uint);
function claimReward(address token, uint week) external returns (uint amount);
contract MyClaimBribeRewardTest {
// The DYSON-USDC Gauge contract on Polygon zkEVM.
address public constant dysonPairGauge = 0x7bC034759Cc6582926773b1094A7bEf406c2376D;
// The DYSON-USDC bribe contract on Polygon zkEVM.
address public constant bribe = 0xFCE34AA5fc1Ca594b12248a927e0153680Ef2A90;
// The sDYSON contract on Polygon zkEVM.
address public constant sDYSON = 0x8813B3EEB279A43Ac89e502e6fbe0ec89170c088;
uint amount = 100e18; // 100 $sDYSN
address to = address(this);
function checkReward(address token, uint week) external returns (uint amount) {
uint userVotes = IGauge(dysonPairGauge).balanceOfAt(msg.sender, week);
uint totalVotes = IGauge(dysonPairGauge).totalSupplyAt(week);
uint totalRewardAtWeek = IBribe(bribe).tokenRewardOfWeek(token, week);
amount = totalRewardAtWeek * userVotes / totalVotes;
function claimReward(address token, uint week) external returns (uint) {
return IBribe.claimReward(token, week);